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flat 2, 1 victoria road leeds

2, 1 Victoria Rd, Leeds LS6 1AS, UK
electric-stoveElectric Stove
Bills included

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£100 Amazon Voucher
UniAcco Exclusive Cashback Offer
£100 Amazon Voucher
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If you find a lower price for this accommodation on another platform, we'll match it when you book.

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UniAcco offers 24*7 support in resolving all your housing-related queries, offering peace of mind.
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Room Types
Room Types
Room Types
Room Types
Room Types

Room Options

Room Image
Five Bed Apartment
Private Room
study-deskStudy desk and chair
windowWindows / Curtains
BedDouble Bed
Stay 52 weekMove in 2023-09-01Deposit £1Rent £128 / week
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Facilities in flat 2, 1 victoria road leeds


electric-stoveElectric Stove
utility-billsUtility Bills Included


location2, 1 Victoria Rd, Leeds LS6 1AS, UK

flat 2, 1 victoria road leeds FAQs

The Platform Fee is a one-time charge that prioritizes your booking and grants access to exclusive pre and post-landing services, potentially saving up to £1,500. This fee is refundable if UniAcco cannot secure the room category and property you select.
You can get a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours of payment, after which platform fees will not be refunded (To be added on Cancellation Policy also)
Fee is non-refundable in case the student decides to swap their accommodation from a non-commissionable property to a commissionable property. Platform Fee is refundable to the student if they decide to cancel their booking within the defined “UniAcco Cooling Off Period”. This period will be upto 48 hours from the months April-September and 5 days from the months October-March.
We will assist the student with the entire booking process. End-to-end handling of the cancellation process for the student. (Platform Fee won’t be refundable to the student in this scenario). Post Move-In Assistance to the student.

For flat 2, 1 victoria road leeds, a UK-based guarantor is required.

flat 2, 1 victoria road leeds has no payment plans and needs to be paid the full amount

No, flat 2, 1 victoria road leeds does not have 'No Visa No Pay' policy.