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ABeleven, Willowbank Rd, Aberdeen AB11 6AE, United Kingdom
electric-stoveElectric Stove
utility-billsUtility Bills Included
Bills included
No Visa No Pay
No University No Pay

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4 room options

Price Match Guarantee

If you find a lower price for this accommodation on another platform, we'll match it when you book.

24x7 Personal Assistance

UniAcco offers 24*7 support in resolving all your housing-related queries, offering peace of mind.
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Room Types
Room Types
Room Types
Room Types
Room Types

Room Options

Room Image
Ensuite Room
Private Room • Private Bath
study-deskStudy desk and chair
windowWindows / Curtains
Bed3/4 Double Bed
Stay 33 weekMove in 2025-01-11Deposit £1Rent £153 / week
Stay 51 weekMove in 2025-09-06Deposit £250Rent £140 / week
Stay 44 weekMove in 2025-09-06Deposit £250Rent £150 / week
Looking for different dates?
Room Image
Standard Studio
Private Room • Private Bath • Private Kitchen
Entire-PlaceEntire Place
study-deskStudy desk and chair
windowWindows / Curtains
Stay 33 weekMove in 2024-01-11Deposit £1Rent £205 / week
Stay 51 weekMove in 2025-09-06Deposit £250Rent £205 / week
Looking for different dates?

Facilities in Abeleven


electric-stoveElectric Stove
utility-billsUtility Bills Included


courtyardGarden / Courtyard
insuranceContents Insurance
study-areaCommunal Relaxing & Study Area
gymOn-Site Gym
bike-storageBike Storage
parkingParking Space


locationABeleven, Willowbank Rd, Aberdeen AB11 6AE, United Kingdom

Payment Details

Deposit: £250 Deposit required.
Installment Plan: 3 installments or else full payment.
Guarantor: UK Based Guarantor required.
Mode of Payment: Credit/Debit Card or Online payment

VisaAmerican ExpressMastercardPaypal

House Policies

Our full termination policy is detailed for you within the booking section of our website. Please read it carefully and ensure that you fully understand it.

You can cancel your booking up to 7 days after you accept your offer or pay your deposit (the Initial Cancellation Period), providing you have not already moved in to the property and we will refund your security deposit in full. Deposits will normally be refunded within 28 working days of cancellation, however our legal obligation as a landlord is to secure all deposits with a third party protection scheme. In the event that your deposit has already been sent to the protection scheme by the time you cancel your booking, your refund could take up to 60 days to be refunded due to the protection scheme’s processing period and your deposit refund will come directly from them – you will need your repayment ID which will be sent to you directly by the protection scheme. If the deposit has already been sent to the deposit protection scheme, unfortunately, we are unable to influence their processing time.

If you cancel your booking after the 7 day Initial Cancellation Period, you will remain liable for the weekly rent (for each and every week or part week) until we are able to re-let the room. If we are able to re-let the room we will release you from the agreement upon payment of upto £250 variation of contract fee which we will recover by retaining part or all of your deposit. If you have paid a lower deposit amount, that’s the amount that will be retained.

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Abeleven FAQs

The Platform Fee is a one-time charge that prioritizes your booking and grants access to exclusive pre and post-landing services, potentially saving up to £1,500. This fee is refundable if UniAcco cannot secure the room category and property you select.
You can get a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours of payment, after which platform fees will not be refunded (To be added on Cancellation Policy also)
Fee is non-refundable in case the student decides to swap their accommodation from a non-commissionable property to a commissionable property. Platform Fee is refundable to the student if they decide to cancel their booking within the defined “UniAcco Cooling Off Period”. This period will be upto 48 hours from the months April-September and 5 days from the months October-March.
We will assist the student with the entire booking process. End-to-end handling of the cancellation process for the student. (Platform Fee won’t be refundable to the student in this scenario). Post Move-In Assistance to the student.

Yes, we accept bookings for those turning 18 in the first semester, with an adult co-signatory on the tenancy agreement. Policies for under-18s vary by property.

No, pets of any kind are not permitted at properties, except registered assistance dogs.

Most belongings are allowed, but non-UK-compliant electricals, like rice cookers, may pose fire risks.

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