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Picture this – You’ve applied for several internships and now you’re eagerly waiting for the results. You keep refreshing your inbox constantly waiting and wishing for your desired company to get back to you. You’ve made all the right moves and taken all the right steps to reach this point that includes personalizing your cover letter, attending every interview, researching the company and so much more. You’ve made every possible effort to bag a coveted internship.
And just then, you receive a notification of a new email with the words, “Congratulations, you have been selected…”
But wait! The next day you receive another email with the same words! You want to do both internships equally, but doing two internships at once? Is that even possible? What will be your next step?
If you are wondering if you can do two internships at once, then we’re here to tell you that you can absolutely go for more than one internship, however, you just need to know how to maintain the right balance between the two.
Managers can be demanding, so having adequate experience can help you keep up with high expectations. The more internship you’ve done, the more experience you’ve gained, the more you have to put on the table to remain competitive.
Before you make a decision about which road to take, here are some tips that might help you in doing two internships at once.

Set Realistic Expectations
Take a moment to ask yourself practically, how can you do more than one internship? If you feel that you can grind from Monday to Friday, then, by all means, go ahead. However, if you know you’ll need some time throughout the week to recharge or take a break, make your plan with that in mind before you start your internships so you don’t have to make adjustments afterwards. Doing more than one internship at a time is not going to be easy but it certainly is achievable.
Read: Pros and Cons Of Work-Study vs. Internship vs. Part-Time Job
Do What Excites You
It is recommended to get into internships you are passionate about. Choose internships that you would genuinely be interested in doing. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the difference between what you think you should do and what you truly want to accomplish. Internship assignments and responsibilities that align with your interests will be more pleasant. You won’t feel like you’re working, but rather that you’re following a passion. Also, if you enjoy what you’re doing, there’s a good chance you’ll do a better job at it, and your boss will notice.
Balance The Timings

While doing more than one internship at a time, one internship should require significantly less time than the other. Consider using the second one as a virtual internship or as a campus ambassador. Both of these often allow you to create your own schedule. Many of these are generally based on social media or events. Campus ambassador roles are advantageous because you are already on campus for your lectures and don’t have to waste time driving to an office.
Always Stay Organized
If you want to balance 2 internships then you need to always stay organized and plan ahead. The key to multitasking in life and successfully and intelligently managing your time is to organise. For various people, different tactics and plans work better. Planning your week on the whiteboard in your room so that you’re aware of everything you need to do during the week. Try setting reminders through your e-mail or calendar so that you don’t forget a task. Using post-it notes and sticky notes on your desktop for a to-do list are also some notable options.
Be Kind To Yourself
The last piece of advice for you is to be kind to yourself. Having many internships at the same time may sound like a hustle, but it can be stressful. Is your schedule so jam-packed that you don’t have time for self-care? Make sure you schedule time for yourself, your two internships, studying, socialising, and resting. Allow for more space than you think you’ll need. Sure, doing 2 internships look good on your resume but do yourself a favour, and take out time for self-care.
It will take time, work, and expert organisational skills to balance 2 internships at the same time, but it is certainly possible. This will benefit you in the long run by allowing you to build a large network and obtain several letters of recommendation. If you’re a senior, you’ll have a better chance of getting a full-time employment offer from the firm. If you are still wondering if you can do two internships at once? I would say go with the decision that works best for you.
We hope you enjoyed reading this blog on Unpopular Opinion – The Ethics Of Doing 2 Internships At Once. Don’t forget to read some of our other blogs like –