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7 Productive And Fun Things To Do When Bored

By UniAcco
January 30, 2025 •
Productive And Fun Things To Do When Bored

The concept of boredom is very subjective. Once upon a time, this concept was foreign, that was way before it was even added to the English dictionary. After that, however, we’ve only found more reasons to be bored!  For years, ‘being bored’ was believed to be something negative or bad. Let me tell you, that it’s actually where the magic starts. It sparks your creativity because you’re constantly looking for ways to get out of boredom. Well, if today happens to be one of those boring days and you want to walk out of it, you’ve come to the right place. This article talks about some of the most productive and fun things to do when bored.

7 Productive And Fun Things To Do When Bored

1. Create A Vision Board

Have you heard of vision boards before? It’s as simple as it sounds. A board consisting of images, videos, sticky notes, fun stickers, and many more. It could be a collage pertaining to your dreams, your bucket list of things to do, or something regarding what you would want to become in the future. Either way, creating one would get you out of your boredom, and trust me, you’ll get a chance to challenge your inner creativity. According to a survey conducted by Forbes, offices, and businesses who had created a vision board had twice as much confidence as those that didn’t. Something fun and productive…maybe you should give it a go? 

2. Create Playlists

Something you’ve always wanted to make time for, but somehow always neglected is playlists. You can spend quality time creating your playlists, each for every mood swing of yours. Some could be based on your favourite genres/bands. Some others could be pure nostalgia, taking you back to those good old days. Well, you could even create playlists consisting of music that helps you study, sleep, relax, or work out. 

3. Signature Analysis

Now you may be wondering what this is. Did you know that you can actually test your signature? Signatures can reveal a lot about a person. Is the slant of your signature upright or downwards? Is there anything unnecessary in it? Is it big or small? Is it difficult to read or understand? All of these aspects can reveal a lot about someone else’s or your own personality. You could check what your signature reveals about you and see how well it fits your personality traits.

4.  Try Your Hand At Magic

…not only to dazzle others but because magic has the potential to stimulate our brain’s novelty centres and bring us closer to believing in the impossible! It’ll not only be an entertaining activity for you to do, but when someone else happens to get bored in the future, you could just pull out one of your magic tricks. That way, you’d be killing both, your boredom, as well as theirs. More like…killing two birds with one stone?

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5. Deck Up Your Room

Create an environment where you feel welcome. Remove all the unnecessary items that must have piled up and cluttered in your room. Don’t forget that corner behind your cupboard, that you always ignore! Plan a colour theme for your room, grab some paints, splash it on the walls…not too much else you’ve got to do the cleaning again! Getting some indoor plants is a great idea for fresh air circulation and a nice look.

Productive And Fun Things To Do When Bored

6. What Are You Best At?

What do you consider to be your “A” work? This is the sort of job that you are unmatched at! It passes the time, you like it, and you can do it for hours without becoming bored. Not everyone is on top of their game. What level are you playing at? This will not only give you clarity on what your “A” level game is, but you’ll also know where you stand, and what practices could push you further ahead. In that way, the next time you’re bored, you’ll know what to work on, and that’ll be your motivation point.

7. What Do You Wish To Learn?

Back then, a Jack of all trades, and master of none was considered a big no-no! But if you are to look at it today, something is better than nothing! There are so many topics to explore and learn about. Learning doesn’t always have to be limited to your text materials, and courses. There are so many skills to develop, and many more interesting things to do which include:

  • Learn To Moonwalk
  • Sharpen Knives With Flair
  • Whistle With Your Fingers
  • Twirl A Pen
  • Tell Better Stories
  • Tie A Tie In Many Ways

Thank you for reading this blog on the 7 Productive And Fun Things To Do When Bored. If you’d like to read more, here are some blogs that might be of interest to you:

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