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Most Common French Slang Words

By UniAcco
May 12, 2023 •
french slang words

Let’s take a look at some of the most common french slang words that are used by locals in France. Slang in french is difficult to teach but that is the case in most languages. It changes a lot from one region to another. Consider many English slangs that even native speakers do not know yet because they might not stay in a particular region that uses that particular slang frequently. Similarly, french slang words are also mostly known by french people but it is good to learn some of the common french slang so that next time you travel in France, you would easily decode when someone uses these words.

This article on the most common french words will introduce you to new slang and maybe if you are a student travelling to study in France, this will help you quite a lot!

General Everyday French Slang Words

These are the most common slang in french that are understood throughout the French-speaking world. 

  • un type, un mec – a guy
  • une meuf – a woman
  • bouffer – to eat
  • nickel! – “perfect!”
  • c’est top – “that’s great”
  • c’est nul – “that sucks”
  • draguer – to flirt
  • un truc – a thing
  • piquer – to steal
  • une arnaque – a scam
  • Blé, fric, pognon, thune – money
  • Gosse – Kid
  • Bagnole, caisse – Car
  • Picoler – to drink alcohol
  • Flingue – Gun
  • Poiscaille – Fish
  • Vénère – Angry
  • Flotter – to rain

Common French Slang Words & Phrases

Now let us take a look at some colloquial french phrases. 

Slang phraseEnglish meaning
C’est nulThat sucks
Flasher sur quelqu’unTo have a crush on someone
Ça baigne?How are you?
Arrête de te la péterStop showing off
Il/elle capte rienHe/she doesn’t understand anything
Je me casseI’m out of here
Laisse tomberLet it go, drop it
J’ai la flemmeI’m lazy
Sans déconnerNo joke, not kidding
Avoir un creuxTo be hungry
Être dans le coaltarTo be half-asleep, disoriented
Être dans le pâtéSame as above

We have more! 

Poser une colleTo ask a tricky questions
Vas-y molloTake it easy
BCBGPosh, chic
Se pelerTo be cold
Se bourrer la gueuleTo get drunk
Faire la troncheTo have a long face
Ça craintNot cool, it sucks
Ça marcheOk, it works
Ça me saouleThat pisses me off
Boire un coupTo have a drink
C’est clairYou don’t say
Un truc de oufIt’s crazy
Crever la dalleTo be starving
Être au taquetTo be on fire
Lâche-moi la grappeLeave me alone, give me a break

Regional French Slang Words 

Here are some french slang words with English meanings that are used by people from different parts of France. 

Crayon à (de) papier / crayon gris / crayon de bois

This word also has significant variations, and all three forms are used to refer to a pencil. The phrase “paper pencil” or “crayon à papier” is used throughout most of the world, notably in and around Paris. While the north of France uses “crayon de bois,” which translates to “wood pencil,” the south prefers the term “crayon gris,” which means “grey pencil.”

Coffre / malle

The word “coffre” is typically used to translate the words “trunk” (American English) or “boot” (British English) when referring to automobiles. Historically, car trunks or boots were referred to as “malle,” which is French for “steamer trunk.” However, “coffre” is currently the most commonly used word, with “malle” mainly being in use in the southwest of France.


A relatively regional colloquialism, “Pélo” is virtually solely used in Lyon and its environs. It is used to mention or shout to a male friend in the same manner that “guy,” “dude,” or “mate” are used in English.


The word “bouiner,” which means “to goof around” or “to do nothing productive,” is from the Normandy region. This verb is used to ask, “What are you up to?” or “What are you doing?” in the French phrase, “Qu’est-ce que tu bouines?” The word “bouineur,” which derives from “bouiner,” is also used to characterise someone who is ineffective, has difficulties focusing, and never completes what he starts.


The Alsatian word “Schlouk” is derived from the German word “Schluck.” Due to its being so close to the border, the German language has a significant influence on local slang and colloquial idioms in Alsace.

“Schlouk” is Russian for “sip” or “a little bit of liquid.”


For people from the northern part of the country, the word “adieu,” which means “farewell,” might be perplexing because it is also used to say “hello” in a number of southern French regions, including the Provence. If you use it as a greeting in Paris, folks can give you strange looks and think you’re hoping you never see them again.


1. What is the weirdest French slang?

This common tongue also has a tendency to be a little humorous at times. Different parts of France as well as other French-speaking nations around the world use a range of French slang. There is a wide variety of amusing and strange slang phrases used by the French.

2. What are some commonly used French slang expressions?

French slang includes common phrases, humorous terminology, and everyday occurrences. There are some slang phrases in French that are understood and used by the majority of people who speak the language, and there are other slang phrases that are only used in specific regions. Osti is one of the words that people use to express great impressions like “Oh God” or “Jesus” in English.

3. Is there a French urban dictionary for French slang?

While there isn’t a specific French urban dictionary to aid in your quick learning of some slang, you can search the internet for international French slang words and phrases. There are numerous resources that might assist you in learning some common French slang.

4. Is it easy to learn French slang or common terms?

Like many languages with an English foundation, learning French may not be as difficult as it first appears. If you have friends who speak French well and can help you practise and acquire the language more quickly, it will be very simple to pick up the language. You can improve your pronunciation and develop a better knowledge of the sound of the French language by watching French-language movies, listening to French music, and watching French-language TV series.

If you liked reading this blog on “Most common french slang words” then make sure you check out our other informative articles linked below:

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