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What Do You Think Of When You Are Distracted During Uni Lectures?

By UniAcco
February 4, 2025 •
when you are distracted during uni lectures

Picture this: it’s 9 o’clock. On a Monday, and you just made it on time to class. Having coffee in your bloodstream or going back to bed is something you can think about. There are many distractions in modern life, and some of them can have a negative impact on our ability to focus while studying. The issue is that many individuals appear to underestimate how overwhelmed they are by what’s happening around them. Nearly every student has been found guilty at some point or another of not paying attention in class. In a 60-minute lecture, sitting without zoning out or getting bored is not always easy. The good news is that you can motivate yourself to focus in class in several respects. What you usually think when you are distracted during uni lectures is:

You’re using social media.

Technology is the number 1 distraction during class for most students. There’s no place in the lecture hall to check for hashtags and double-tap Instagram, but we’ve all done it.

Ditch the laptop and go for the good old pen and paper. Not only is writing on paper an ideal way to recall your notes, it’s also a way to get rid of other multi-window distractions. The act of taking your notes often encourages you to listen more closely and follow what is being taught by the professor.

There’s going to be a time when it won’t cut your notebook, and you’re going to have to use your trusty laptop. Fortunately, computer applications that you can download and install to make your work better are tools to help you stay on track. While doing work, they block other applications and websites you don’t need.

when you are distracted during uni lectures

You’re dehydrated

It comes as no surprise that drinking water helps the human body function more effectively, but did you know it can help stimulate the brain to remain hydrated in class? This will assist you to pay more attention and remain awake. Drinking water is also more powerful than beverages containing caffeine and sugar, which can cause you to crash later in the day.

You don’t get enough sleep.

Yeah, it can seem almost impossible, as a student, to get 8 hours of sleep. You sprint from class to class, work on essays and projects, and maybe even balance part-time work. But keep in mind that a good night’s rest will make your day twice as effective, so make sure you spend that time! Unable to relax? Try some calming scents like lavender and some soothing soundscapes to play with when you are distracted during uni lectures. In no time, you’ll be refreshed and ready to concentrate!

You’re being distracted by your mates.

It could be time to take a break from their business if your friends are distracting you in class. Sitting on your own during class will ensure that your undivided emphasis is on the class and its contents, and you will not slip down the social ladder, contrary to common opinion. After the lecture is over, you can join your classmates in the study group.

Tip: Reward yourself with a snack after class or an outing with friends if you’re having a particularly bad day. This will provide you with a concrete purpose to strive towards!

What techniques to use?

Here are some slow-inspired techniques that might help people who feel they are hapless when trying to focus their attention on either a smartphone or a laptop present. 

  1. Accept that your mind will drift. You shouldn’t feel bad if this occurs. Losing concentration is perfectly appropriate. Recognize it, instead, and politely attempt to refocus on the assignment. Try meditation; it really helps in having your mind focused.
  1. Switch off or put your phone in airplane mode, with push alerts and vibration off.
  1. Don’t use a laptop, unless you really have to.
  1. If your mind wanders, if possible, stretch in your seat. Shift your limbs and note that you are a bag of flesh and bones that hasn’t been built for long periods of time to sit still.
  1. Drink water; evidence shows it helps one focus.

Many individuals use laptops because they have a perfectly valid writing problem. But if you can use paper and pen pads, think of the sacrifice that you are making here. Does typing rapidity really mean that you are learning? Agreed, it is a tactile and slightly more laborious method to compose handwritten notes. But you have a greater chance of committing the point to memory by forming certain words with your hand when you are distracted during uni lectures.

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