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Small City Life vs. a Big City Life: Every Student’s Debate

By UniAcco
February 9, 2023 •
Small city life vs a big city life

You may be torn between large-city destinations and a small-town environment during your quest for the right college match. All of these alternatives come with their benefits and drawbacks. Your interests and ideal college experience will eventually help you decide which is the best fit for you.

Colleges in the Big City: Pros and Cons

Is a busy metropolitan campus the best setting? In the sense of opportunities, big cities have a lot to offer students, but they can also distract from the traditional college experience

Want to know the advantages and disadvantages of attending college in a Small city life vs a big city life? Here are some!

The Pros

  • Career resources: Students in a big city usually have access to more internships, cooperative courses, and other career-boosting opportunities. Before you even graduate, imagine getting training at a top organization in your profession on your resume.
  • Public transportation: In a significant area, most students can get to where they need to train or bus. You do not need to get a car, even if you wish to go home for breaks even during holidays when an airport is nearby.
  • Cultural diversity: In big cities, both college students and the general population strive to attract variety.
  • Cultural opportunities: There’s no lack of activities to do off-campus, with museums, plays, theatre shows, and other artistic gatherings occurring all the time.


  • Looser student community: Instead of being focused on and around the campus, students will live all over the area. Furthermore, there is so much to do in an organization that students may not spend much of their free time on campus. As a result, the sense of culture may not be as strong at an urban college.
  • Cost of living: In a major city, the cost of living is usually higher. So make sure you can handle it.
  • Less conventional feeling: Often, urban campuses neglect sports, Greek life, a wide-open quad, and other classic signifiers of college. A big-city campus may not be for you if you crave the typical college experience.
  • Distractions: There are far more distractions a major city can offer than a small town. Some towns are noisier and have higher crime rates. Plus, there are more chances to go out in the town and do fun activities, drawing your studies away from emphasis.

Colleges in Small Town: Pros and Cons

Do you think you are more comfortable in a small-town setting? And if you are, when you’re considering a small town or rural environment for your college years, some pros and cons should be taken into account.

The Pros

  • Tighter community: Colleges tend to be reasonably self-contained in small towns, and most students reside on or just near the campus. Students are always seen doing stuff on campus, whether it’s a school-sponsored event or just hanging out in my free time. This will contribute to the student body getting an immediate sense of culture.
  • Traditional college experience: The elements we equate most with the classic college experience are more likely to see in a small-town college: football games, Greek life, and a lovely campus atmosphere.
  • Fewer distractions: There are few distractions in small cities, making it easier to concentrate on academics.
  • Cheap: With anything from food to entertainment to rent, most small towns have a lower cost of living.
  • Outdoor experiences: “Rural colleges are more likely to have ready access to woods, camping, waterfalls, and more. This may be ideal for outdoor styles or those who hope to major in agriculture or environmental science topics.


  • Quieter social life: While there are many activities to do on campus, the local environment does not have anything to do. Generally, a small-town college would have a quieter atmosphere than a large-city college.
  • Tougher transportation: It may involve getting your car to do something beyond campus. You would need to get a car or hitch a ride with a friend if you need to go to the grocery store or go home on a holiday break.
  • Fewer resources: While a rural environment is ideal for a few majors, in their local city, many other students may not be able to find a relevant internship. Owing to minimal supply, the few internships available could be highly competitive.

Small City Life vs a Big City Life: What’s Better?

Bear in mind that there are still exceptions to the law. If you have read through all these advantages and disadvantages and even can’t seem to pick which is right for you, there are several options where you can find a harmonious mixture of both these worlds. A variety of schools, so to speak, have the “best of all worlds.” It can be a struggle to find the right college. Begin by dreaming about what you want to get out of your college experience and making as many trips to the campus as you can to gain a deeper understanding of what each of your choices is like.

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