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Top 10 Fully Funded Scholarships In The UK

By UniAcco
February 4, 2025 •
Top 10 Fully Funded Scholarships In The UK

William Shakespeare said it best – “Heaven take thy soul, and England keep my bones!”. The UK is not only one of the most popular countries to live in, but it is also one of the best countries to study in. In 2019, almost 485,645 international students left their homes to pursue higher education in the UK. The presence of world-class universities, faculties at the top of their game, and the myriad of job opportunities overshadow the high cost of studying in the UK. However, in order to combat this problem, the UK has been regularly churning out scholarships to domestic and international students, alike. Scholarships play a huge role in a student’s overseas education journey, as it provides them with the wherewithal to pay tuition fees, accommodation expenses, travel expenses and much more. Let’s take a look at some of the top 10 fully funded scholarships in the UK –

1. The UniAcco Fly High Scholarships

Top 10 Fully Funded Scholarships In The UK

The UniAcco Fly High is a scholarship programme instituted by UniAcco to recognize and reward Indian students who plan to study in the UK. The thought behind instituting these scholarships was to enable committed and passionate students to achieve their academic goals by lightening the financial burden that comes with studying abroad. The UniAcco Fly High Scholarships are broken down into three categories, namely ‘Responsible Leader’, ‘Passionate Scholar’ and ‘All-Rounder’. The total value of these fully funded scholarships in the UK is £6,500 and there is no application fee. Moreover, this is one of the best fully funded scholarships for Indian students in the UK.

Head over to UniScholars, an online scholarship marketplace, to know more about these scholarships.

Host Organization – 


Field Of Study – 

Any graduate or postgraduate course at an accredited university in the UK.

The UniAcco Fly High Scholarships Benefits –

Since this scholarship programme is divided into 3 categories, here is what you can expect – 

Responsible Leader Two scholarships worth £1,000 each to a student who has dedicatedly worked towards improving the environment or supported a noble social cause or worked to ensure better governance. 

Passionate Scholar – Four scholarships worth £750 each to students who have either demonstrated academic excellence or worked dedicatedly to achieve significant honours at major forums in their respective fields of study. 

All Rounder – Two scholarships worth £750 each to students who have put in strong efforts to develop a holistic profile.

Eligibility Criteria – 

In the Leader category, any Indian student pursuing post-graduate studies or commencing a postgraduate course in 2021 in the UK, and who has remarkably contributed towards a social/noble cause.

In the Scholar category, any Indian student pursuing postgraduate studies in the UK or who will commence a postgraduate course in 2021, and has demonstrated excellent academic performance.

In the All Rounder category, any Indian undergraduate student who is currently pursuing undergraduate studies in the UK or will begin the course in 2021 and has developed an excellent holistic profile. 

2. The Chevening Scholarships

If you plan on studying in the UK, then you must be aware of the Chevening Scholarships. These fully-funded scholarships in the UK are provided to international students every year. The Chevening Scholarship programme is the largest of its kind in the UK. More than 1500 students benefit from these fully funded scholarships in the UK. The motive behind the Chevening Scholarships is to empower students to pursue world-class education in their field of interest, thereby allowing them to garner professional experience and work towards the betterment of society. 

Here are some important details of the Chevening Scholarships – 

Host Organization – 

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations.

Fellowships Offered By Chevening – 

  • Chevening South Asia Journalism Fellowship (SAJP).
  • Chevening Africa Media Freedom Fellowship (CAMFF).
  • Chevening Healthcare, Health Policy, and Health Reform Fellowship.
  • Chevening British Library Fellowship.
  • Chevening Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) Fellowships.
  • Chevening/Clore Fellowship.
  • Chevening Energy Market Reform Fellowship.
  • Chevening Ethiopia Leadership Fellowship.
  • Chevening Western Balkans Cyber Security Fellowship.
  • Chevening India Cyber Security Fellowship.
  • Chevening Gurukul Fellowship.
  • Chevening LSE Fellowship.

Chevening Scholarships Benefits – 

Chevening Scholarships are fully funded scholarships in the UK that are covered by the UK Government. So be rest assured that the entire cost of your education in the UK will be covered by the scholarship. 

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years of work experience while applying for the Chevening Scholarships.
  • Applicants must be citizens of an eligible Chevening Fellowship country. 
  • Applicants must have a postgraduate or equivalent level qualification.
  • Applicants must be proficient in English and meet the English Language requirements.
  • Applicants need to hold a minimum number of working hours as part of their work experience – 
  1. Five years’ work experience = 7,200 hours.
  2. Seven years’ work experience = 9,800 hours.
  3. Ten years’ work experience = 14,400 hours.
  • Applicants must show leadership qualities.

3. The Commonwealth Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarships are targeted at students hailing from low and middle-income Commonwealth countries. Students from eligible countries can apply for Commonwealth Scholarships to pursue their Master’s or PhD studies at an accredited university in the UK. The fact that these are fully funded scholarships in the UK, make Commonwealth Scholarships one of the most competitive scholarships in the world. The main motive of the Commonwealth Scholarships is to provide financial aid to talented and motivated individuals, who have the potential to make a real difference in the world. 

Here are some important details of the Commonwealth Scholarships – 

Host Organization – 

UK Department for International Development (DFID).

Field Of Study – 

These scholarships are offered under six themes:

  • Science and technology for development.
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity.
  • Promoting global prosperity.
  • Strengthening global peace, security, and governance.
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises.
  • Access, inclusion, and opportunity.

The Commonwealth Scholarships Benefits – 

Winners of the Commonwealth Scholarships are entitled to the following: 

  • Approved Full tuition fees.
  • Approved Round Airfare Tickets from home country to the UK.
  • A monthly stipend as follows: 
  1. £1,330 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area.
  2. £1,084 per month for universities outside the London metropolitan area.
  • Warm clothing, where applicable.
  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas.
  • Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable.

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • Prove the inability to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship.
  • Be a citizen of an eligible Commonwealth country.
  • Be ready to commence studies in the UK at the start of the UK academic year – September/October.
  • Hold a degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second class degree (2:2) and relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree).
  • Provide all the relevant documents in the required format.

4. Gates Cambridge Scholarships

The Gates Cambridge Scholarships is a scholarship programme instituted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These fully-funded scholarships in the UK are for students who wish to study at the super expensive University of Cambridge. Every year, 80 scholarships are offered to candidates who wish to continue their postgraduate degree in a subject of interest at the University of Cambridge.

Here are some important details of the Gates Cambridge Scholarships –

Host Organization –  

The University of Cambridge and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Field Of Study – 

Any of the following courses in PhD, MSc/MLitt or One-year postgraduate course – 

  • Any Undergraduate degree such as BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA).
  • Master of Business (MBA).
  • Master of Finance (MFin).
  • PGCE.
  • MBBChir Clinical Studies.
  • MD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time).
  • Graduate Course in Medicine (A101).
  • Part-time degrees.
  • Non-degree courses.

Gates Cambridge Scholarships Benefits – 

Being a fully funded scholarship in the UK, it covers –

  • University composition fee.
  • £17,500/year as Maintenance allowance.
  • Economy class round trip air tickets.
  • Inbound visa costs.
  • Immigration Health Surcharge cost.
  • Academic development funding ranging from £500 to £2,000.
  • Family allowance ranging from £10,120 to £4,320 for 1st and second child.

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • A citizen from any country except the UK.
  • A candidate can apply in the following programs:
    • PhD.
    • MSc/MLitt.
    • One year postgraduate course.

5. Rhodes Scholarships

Started in 1902, Rhodes Scholarships are one the oldest and arguably, the most prestigious scholarships for international students. This scholarship programme is committed to identifying and rewarding outstanding students to study at the University of Oxford. Each year, there are about 100 Rhodes Scholarships bestowed on deserving students who wish to pursue their postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford. These are fully funded scholarships in the UK and require no application fee.

Here are some important details of the Rhodes Scholarships –

Host Organization – 

Rhodes Trust.

Field Of Study – 

All Masters and PhD degree programmes at the University of Oxford.

Rhodes Scholarships Benefits – 

Rhodes Scholarships are fully funded scholarships as they cover the following expenses: 

  • University of Oxford Application Fee.
  • University of Oxford Colleges Fees.
  • An annual stipend of £15,144 per annum.
  • Settling Allowance,
  • Two Return Air Tickets.
  • Student Visa Fee. 
  • International Health Surcharge. 

Eligibility Criteria – 

The eligibility criteria for Rhodes Scholarships is quite broad, as it mainly depends on the home country of the applicant. 

6. The Global Study Awards

The Global Study Awards is a unique scholarship programme that’s targeted at highly talented and motivated young students. Twice every year, two international students are offered the opportunity to explore the UK. A total scholarship fund of £10,000 is equally divided between the two selected students. The Global Study Awards are one of the best fully funded scholarships in the UK for international students.

Here are some important details of The Global Study Awards –

Host Organization – 

British Council, the International Student Identity Card Association.

Field Of Study – 

Any undergraduate or postgraduate degree at a UK-based university. 

The Global Study Awards Benefits –

Since 2015, 13 winners have received funding of up to £10,000.

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • Any talented and highly motivated students can apply.
  • Need to have taken the IELTS test.
  • Be over the age of 18 years.

7. The Royal Society Grants

These are wonderful fully funded scholarships in the UK that cater to a special niche. The Royal Society provides fully-funded scholarships to applicants holding a PhD. These scholarships cover the cost research undertaken by PhD students. The area of research must be based around natural sciences. 

Here are some important details of The Royal Society Grants –

Host Organization – 

The Royal Society Grants.

Field Of Study – 

Research work in the field of natural sciences. 

The Royal Society Grants Benefits –

Financial grants ranging from £3,000 to £12,000. 

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • Must hold a PhD.
  • Must conduct research work based on the remit of natural sciences.

8. Bristol University Think Big Scholarships

Bristol University is one of the top 10 universities in the UK that has a terrific reputation, a vibrant community and a highly respected research platform. This university is offering one of the most generous universities-based scholarships to international students. With the Think Big Scholarships, international students can easily apply to Bristol University to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate courses. This university has earmarked almost £500,000 towards undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. 

Here are some important details of Bristol University Think Big Scholarships –

Host Organization – 

Bristol University.

Field Of Study – 

Any undergraduate or postgraduate course at Bristol University.

Bristol University Think Big Scholarships Benefits –

Scholarships ranging from £5,000 and £10,000.

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • Applicants need to be international students. 
  • Applicants are pursuing any full-time undergraduate course, excluding Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science at the University of Bristol, starting in September 2021.

9. Chancellor’s International Scholarships

Chancellor’s International Scholarships is a scholarship programme instituted by the University of Warwick. This is an amazing opportunity for students interested in pursuing their Ph.D. abroad. Each year, 25 talented applicants are rewarded with a scholarship and a  maintenance stipend for up to 3.5 years. The Chancellor’s International Scholarships are one of the best PhD scholarships in the uk for international students.

Here are some important details of the Chancellor’s International Scholarships –

Host Organization – 

The University of Warwick.

Field Of Study – 

Doctoral (PhD). 

Chancellor’s International Scholarships Benefits –

  • As these are fully funded scholarships in the UK, this scholarship covers the full payment of overseas tuition fees.
  • A maintenance stipend of around £15,239/year.
  • The duration of these scholarships are as follows:
    • 3.5 years for new students
    • 2.5 years for current Year 1 Ph.D. students

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • Applicants must apply for a Ph.D. at the University of Warwick to begin the course in October 2021.
  • Students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. or MPhil/Ph.D. at the University of Warwick may apply in their first year of registration only.
  • Applicants can be from any faculty at Warwick.
  • Applicants need to be overseas students. 

10. Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships

As a part of the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships, every year, 30 highly deserving international students studying Mathematics are provided with fully funded scholarships in the UK. The only requirement here is that applicants need to hold a 1st class or 2nd class Bachelor’s degree along with a Master’s degree. Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships cover the entire tuition fees of the programme.

Here are some important details of the Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships –

Host Organization – 

University of Edinburgh.

Field Of Study – 


Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships Benefits –

Scholarships worth £5,000 per year.

Eligibility Criteria – 

  • Applicants need to be from outside the European Union.
  • Applicants must be accepted to an undergraduate degree program offered by the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh.
  • Applicants must have applied to the University of Edinburgh through the University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)

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