Ashlin House
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Booking Deposit: €100 to confirm booking (Adjustable in rent).
Installment Plan: 4 instalments, 10 Instalments or Full Payment.
Guarantor: Ireland Based or International guarantor.
Mode of Payment: Credit/Debit Card.
House Policies
7.1 The Resident, Guarantor and the Licensor agree that this Licence shall become contractually binding upon the Parties at the point of booking by virtue of the Resident’s electronic acceptance of this Licence and payment of the Holding Deposit by or on behalf of the Resident (failing which this Licence and the associated booking shall terminate and be of no effect). Notwithstanding this, the Resident, Guarantor and the Licensor agree that a hard copy of the Licence can be physically signed by each Party in separate counterparts of this Licence if requested by any Party.
7.2 If, prior to the Start Date, the Resident is not accepted for the Resident’s first year of study by an educational institution in the United Kingdom providing full time education the Resident has a period of 7 days starting on the date of the Resident’s receipt of notification of rejection from such educational institution in which to notify the Licensor in writing and to provide with that notice a copy of the rejection letter by either:
7.2.1 emailing; or
7.2.2 mailing by first class post to the the accommodation office at your chose Nido using the address on the front of your licence agreement
in which case if the Licensor is satisfied with the evidence provided, the Licensor shall terminate the Licence and such termination shall be deemed to be effective on the day after the email was sent to the Licensor or 2 Working Days after the date of posting to the Licensor.
7.3 If the Resident’s booking and this Licence are cancelled in accordance with clause 8.2: 7.3.1 the Resident’s booking and this Licence will terminate; and 7.3.2 the Landlord will, for the avoidance of doubt, not refund the Holding Deposit to the Resident. 7.4 If the Resident makes a booking and this Licence becomes contractually binding upon the Parties in accordance with clause 7.1, the Resident agrees that the cancellation rights will end on the Start Date. 7.5 If the Building is damaged or destroyed by an Insured Risk so as to be unfit for occupation and use then, unless the damage or destruction was caused by the wilful actions, negligence or default of the Resident, payment of the Licence Fee shall be suspended until the Building is fit for occupation and use.
Ashlin House FAQs
We encourage everyone to bring their bikes to university as it makes for a much more environmentally friendly way to get around town. In fact, all of our Nidos have bike storage available. Simply speak to the team to book your space.
Many of our Nidos have gyms onsite which can be accessed free of charge 24/7, so you are welcome to work out whenever you feel like it. Upon Check-In, we do require that you complete a gym induction to ensure you’re comfortable using all of the equipment.
Yes, we have high speed Wifi throughout each Nido so you can be connected at all times. More information on how to connect will be provided upon your arrival.
Cleaning services are not included in your stay. However, they are available in some of the buildings. All you have to do is to contact your Nido team to book your cleaning service for a small fee.
For Ashlin House, an international guarantor is required.
Ashlin House offers 4, 10 installments or the full payment option.
No, Ashlin House does not have 'No Visa No Pay' policy.