Please note to Move in / check in is only available from Monday to Friday from 11am to 7pm and on Saturday from 1pm to 7pm. Do you have your mind made up on coming to Berlin and you wish to live in a more secluded location? We recommend you take a look at this apartment in the Spandau neighbourhood. The area is quite residential but it does offer amenities that include supermarkets, cafes, restaurants and some parks for relaxing strolls. Here, you’ll find plenty of transport links that’ll take you to the city centre in no time. This apartment has a total of 9 bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, as well as a WC. This charming property delivers all that you seek, from location to comfort.
Distance from City Centre
Price Match Guarantee
24x7 Personal Assistance
Room Options

Facilities in Emdenzeile
Deposit: One month rent, but varies by the property to property.
Guarantor: Varies by the property to property
Mode of Payment: Credit/Debit Card or online payment.

House Policies
Moderate -
Full 1st rent's payment refund up to 60 days prior to contract start
Emdenzeile FAQs
For Emdenzeile, a guarantor is not required.
Emdenzeile has no payment plans and needs to be paid the full amount
No, Emdenzeile does not have 'No Visa No Pay' policy.