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UniAcco Wins Best Cross-Border Student Housing Provider 2020

By UniAcco
December 6, 2024 •
UniAcco Wins Best Cross-Border Student Housing Provider 2020

UniAcco is proud to announce that we have won the prestigious Best Cross-Border Student Housing Provider 2020 award at the 4th annual Greater London Enterprise Awards, hosted by SME News.

This award is a fitting culmination of all our hard work and dedication over the past year. We would like to thank the honourable judging panel for recognising our contributions in the field of student housing. 

The consequences of the pandemic have not been easy but we’ve managed to overcome them as a team. A huge mention to our staff who have stood by us during these unprecedented times. None of this would have been possible without the commitment and dedication of our employees. 

And finally, thank you to each one of you reading this. Being adjudged the Best Cross-Border Student Housing Provider 2020 in the first year of our existence would not have been possible without the love and support of our students. The 20,000+ students who have benefited from our services are a testament to the fact that UniAcco is well on its way to making a significant impact in the field of student accommodation. 

We thank you for believing in us and giving us a chance to be a part of your overseas education journey. 

We will continue with the same zeal and enthusiasm in ensuring students have the most hassle-free experience in booking their student accommodation with us. 

Onwards and upwards! 

UniAcco - Affordable and Comfortable Student Accommodations
<a href="https://uniacco.com/blog/author/ua_uniacco" target="_self">UniAcco </a>


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