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6 Personality Predictions Based On Your Room Decor

By UniAcco
January 29, 2025 •
Personality Predictions Based On Your Room Decor

The spaces you inhabit and redecorate speak a lot about you. You may be trying to connect the dots between your room decor and your personality traits. Let me tell you, there’s a difference between a folded napkin seated on your table vs a thrown napkin at a corner of your room. It reflects your personality on whether you like things in an orderly fashion, or otherwise. Likewise, the colours of your room, how you place things, the style, and many more factors, add up as contributing factors to your personality. So, what are the 6 personality predictions based on your room decor? Read along to know!

6 Personality Predictions Based On Your Room Decor 

Your room has weeks, maybe months, or could be even years of accumulated information about you. So if you were to meet someone for the first time, you could gather a few ideas or get only a sample of their personality. However, if you were to go to their rooms and even glance at it for that matter, you’re going to be rich with information about their personalities, values, and lifestyles. 

Personality Predictions Based On Your Room Decor

# 1 Creating Spaces That Reflect Our Identity

We try to make deliberate claims or statements of who we are in everything we do. For example, wearing a branded t-shirt of a particular football team speaks about the team you’re supporting. Similarly, bumper stickers on cars, visits to tattoo parlors, filling up the spaces in your rooms speak about you. When it comes to filling spaces or making room for something you love, let’s say, you fill your room with indoor plants. This would show your keen interest in fresh air circulation, thereby talking about your health awareness. On the other hand, if you were to fill those spaces with aesthetical artworks, it would reflect the creative side of your personality. And, if you were to have both, it would talk about your requirement for maintaining some sort of balance in life.

# 2 Mementos, Photos, & Frames Reflect Your Emotions

When you carry your backpacking essentials before commuting abroad, do you include special photographs of your close ones or mementos and tokens of appreciation along? Making space for all of these in your rooms also speaks volumes about your personality traits. You can figure out if someone’s attached to their peers or not with the kind of frames or posters they have on their walls. Let’s say Mother Teresa has been your source of inspiration and you have posters of her motivational quotes all over the walls, it would mean that you’re trying to emulate her lifestyle by constantly reminding yourself of her selfless acts. And if you fill your room with frames, photos, and decorations in relation to your friends and family, it would simply indicate your attachment levels to your dear ones.

# 3 Systematic Vs Messy

Our behavior and thought process is reflected in how we maintain our rooms. Are you someone who believes in “There’s a place for everything and everything in its place”? Following this motto would mean that you’re a systematic person who likes keeping things organized with your OCD issues getting the better of you every now and then. On the contrary, you could also be someone who doesn’t necessarily stress upon tidying up your room every now and then. A few wrappers here and there with worn-out flowers in a corner do not really bother you because once all the mess piles up, you eventually have made plans of room cleaning it up (if procrastination doesn’t act as a barrier that is). Your room definitely talks about your messiness/systematic levels of cleanliness.

Personality Predictions Based On Your Room Decor

# 4 Colours Define You

Our preferences for colours, what colour we adorn our walls with, the brightness or saturation of the hues in our rooms, all leave traces to aspects of who we are. Below, is a table, that lists different colours and what they could possibly indicate:

YellowInnovation and Originality
Lilac or Purple Unique, Sentimental, Creative
Navy BlueQuiet, Peaceful, Thoughtful
Light BlueClean, Clear, Open & Expansive
RedImpulsive, Extroverted
PinkRomance, Tenderness
GreenVersatile, Balanced
GrayContentment, Stability
OrangeAdventurous, Enthusiastic

Source: House Beautiful

There may be times when you’re lucky enough to study abroad with scholarships. At such times, you can save up on your exorbitant tuition fees and save up some finances for buying and painting your rooms with colours of your choice to avoid the dullness in your room.

# 5 Technical & Design Elements

Do you invest more into filling the spaces in your room? You may have a huge ceiling or a small one, but what you do with the additional space is what reflects your personality traits. You could be that someone who buys huge lights and gives finishing touches to your ceilings. You could also be that someone who could spread a rug on the floor if you wish to avoid direct contact with the floor. Regardless of it all, what colours you have schemed together to what finishes you have used and how much do they justify your functionality is what counts eventually. Are you that minimalistic person who wishes to avoid cramping the room with bean bags, tables, chairs, sofas and you think just an aesthetically pleasing sofa would do or are you someone who can’t stand empty spaces at all? Everything is a reflection of your personality eventually and as you start to fill out spaces in your room, you will start to notice things yourself.

# 6  Lighting And Ventilation

Whether you allow your room to have natural lighting and allow for sufficient ventilation or not also talks about you. You automatically give out fresh vibes if you let in natural lighting and allow proper air circulation in your room. On the contrary, if you’re someone who prefers dull or dim lighting, with subtle tones and minimal air circulation, it shows that you prefer living in a more reserved environment as an introvert who isn’t as fond of interactions in general. 

Thank you for reading this blog on the Personality Predictions Based On Your Room Decor. If you’d like to read more, these blogs might be of interest to you:

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