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    Beckett House

    pin123 Summerhill, Dublin, D01 TY46
    From 60 / week
    2 Offers + Bills Included
    clockDistance from National College of Ireland
    walking18 mins
    walking17 mins
    walking6 mins
    No Visa No Pay
    No University No Pay
    electric-stoveElectric Stove
    utility-billsUtility Bills Included

    Special Offers

    UniAcco Exclusive Cashback Offer

    Book through us and get €50 as cashback.

    €100 Amazon Voucher!

    For every student who book through your referral, you get a €100 Amazon gift voucher.

    *T&C apply
    Room Types
    Room Types
    Room Types
    Room Types
    Room Types

    This student accommodation provides en-suite rooms. Expect a Wi-Fi connection, study desk and a double bed. There is a 24/7 on-site staff available at the beck and call of students.

    Trinity College Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland and Technological University are some of the universities near this property. Connolly is the nearest train station whereas Rutland Street is the nearest bus stop. There are many nearby restaurants, pubs and clubs like One Society, Hill 16 Bar, Bridge Tavern, among others. Summerhill Primary Care Centre is the nearest hospital in the area. 

    Additional amenities provided include an onsite gym, house dogs, smart study areas, and a rooftop terrace with unbeatable views.

    Price Trend

    Bronze Ensuite
    Bronze Ensuite
    Silver En-suite
    Gold En-Suite
    Platinum Ensuite
    Platinum Ensuite Disability Access

    Data Source: UniAcco historical data (For reference)


    123 Summerhill, Dublin, D01 TY46

    Room Types

    Academic Year
    Room Type Categories
    Room Image
    Bronze Ensuite
    study-deskStudy desk and chair
    windowWindows / Curtains
    BedDouble Bed
    ShowerPrivate Bathroom
    Move - In
    10 week
    60 / week
    Room Image
    Silver En-suite
    study-deskStudy desk and chair
    windowWindows / Curtains
    BedDouble Bed
    ShowerPrivate Bathroom
    Move - In
    51 week
    278 / week
    Sold Out
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    shield check

    UniAcco Assurance

    down arrow circleGuaranteed Low Price

    If you find this accommodation available at a lower price on any other third party platform, we guarantee to match that price when you make your booking.

    Know More >
    *T&C apply

    What To Expect


    Electric Stove
    Utility Bills Included


    Garden / Courtyard
    On-Site Gym
    24x7 Dedicated Support
    Social Events



    The fee is intended to support the delivery of improved customer services and guarantee that you receive preferential treatment throughout the booking process.
    You can get a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours of payment, after which platform fees will not be refunded (To be added on Cancellation Policy also)
    Fee is non-refundable in case the student decides to swap their accommodation from a non-commissionable property to a commissionable property. Platform Fee is refundable to the student if they decide to cancel their booking within the defined “UniAcco Cooling Off Period”. This period will be upto 48 hours from the months April-September and 5 days from the months October-March.
    Platform fee reflects upfront for all non-commissionable properties. For partially commissionable properties, the platform fee should reflect at the time of the student filling the booking form. This is subject to the nationality of the student.
    We will assist the student with the entire booking process. End-to-end handling of the cancellation process for the student. (Platform Fee won’t be refundable to the student in this scenario). Post Move-In Assistance to the student.

    Sorry, we don’t offer car parking at any of our sites.

    Our buildings and grounds are strictly non-smoking but you’re welcome to smoke outside of the building, off-site.

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