10 Festive Facts To Get You Ready For Christmas

1. Scientists have calculated that  Santa Claus  would have to travel at a speed of 4,921,200 miles per hour to deliver gifts to every home in the world!

2. For 13 years, between 1647 and 1660,  after the English Civil War, Cromwell banned Christmas in the UK.

3. Our favorite Christmas tree doesn't need to be thrown out every year; Some parts are edible, including the needles themselves, which are a source of vitamin C.

4. The holly in a wreath actually represents Jesus' crown, and the red berries represent his blood.

5. In 2015, the world's first Christmas card, commissioned by Sir Henry Cole in 1843, sold for £8,469 ($10,513.84). The hand-colored card showed a family drinking wine.

6. The star of Bethlehem that guided the wise men is said to be a comet or Uranus.

7. Our favorite pudding,  Christmas Pudding, was originally a raisin and wine soup.

8. Edward Johnson invented the first electric tree light in 1882.

9. It is said that the first Christmas was celebrated in 521 AD in York, Great Britain. C.

10. It turns out it's highly unlikely that Jesus was born in a stable!